I have dedicated my summer to the practice of meditation. It has become the greatest tool to heal my concussed brain, and the substance of what I teach on Monhegan.
Of course, there is a distinct difference between thinking about meditation and the act of meditating itself.
I find it ironic how my computer incessantly attempts to autocorrect the word “meditation” and replace it with mediation.
Of course, this defines my practice.
How often does my (overthinking) mind try to sabotage my attempt, my ability to be still?
How do I try to mediate my way out of even five minutes of quiet? My mind will do everything in its power to maintain control.
Of course, this is the practice.
How do we learn to sit? How do relinquish control of our busyness, our self importance, our desire to control or be perfect, not to mention our inner critic?
How do we create, how do we come to know the stillness within ourselves?
How do we discover & encourage more meditative moments into our lives?
For myself, I return to Monhegan, even if only in my mind’s eye, and I envision the ocean. Rather than fixate upon the crest and crash of waves upon the shore of myself, I contemplate the spaces in between.
The moments when the ripples recede and return to the vastness of the sea.
When I am able to embrace the pause rather than anticipate when the next wave might appear, I am able to churn a little less vigorously.
To trust what lies within me and embrace the silence all the more.
even if only for five minutes
Because some days five minutes is enough to becomes the reminder. To pause. To sit. To let go. And then to do it again.
to practice
How do you invite meditative moments into your life? How do you sit with silence?
As always thank you for reading ~ I would not be who I am without your support and encouragement because this is my practice ~ to be just sew
The Hidden Heart Retreat • February 1-4, 2024 • Finger Lakes, NY
Join Heidi Kroft & Sarah Webb for a weekend of discovery as we listen to our heart whisperings in beauty and bravery through yoga, meditation, and creative journaling.
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