make a wish
one, two, three: a new tradition, a forever obsession, and in honor of 🦃 the early bird returns!
thanks for being here ~ if you’re still interested in the Hidden Heart Retreat, there’s never been a better time to register because the early bird rate returns!
now through November 26, Heidi and I are offering $100. off the cost of your retreat ~ join us
because it’s gonna be great!
i've been gathering wishbones for quite some time, always with the intention of turning them into some sort of something, but for now, they reside in their own wooden bowl quite happily while the collection continues to grow.
this year i'm initiating a new tradition—we'll begin with a blessing by John O'Donohue, then pass the bowl around the table and ask all to make a wish for the world:
may the nourishment of the earth be yours,
may the clarity of light be yours,
may the fluency of the ocean be yours,
may the protection of the ancestors be yours.
and so may a slow
wind work these words
of love around you,
an invisible cloak
to mind your life.
whether you cherish a recipe or tradition passed down through the years, or choose to create and begin one all your own, may there be room at your table to welcome the bounty of everything.
The Hidden Heart Retreat • February 1-4, 2024 • Finger Lakes, NY
it’s not too late to treat yourself or someone you love to the gift of self-care
Join Heidi Kroft and Sarah Webb in the Finger Lakes for an extraordinary weekend of discovery! Through the practices of yoga, meditation, and creative journaling, we will reconnect with ourselves, paying attention to all that makes us sing and explore how to receive our whole heart whisperings in beauty and bravery.
two rooms available for single/double occupancy or
invite all your girlfriends and book the dorm room
fire pit, s’mores, hot tub included!
and finally… . ..
other than gummy bears and white turtlenecks, there’s nothing i like more than a good pair of clogs. yesterday, i may have stalked a woman in the Trader Joe’s checkout line to get the intel on these beauties:
no, they’re not swedish hasbeens but another brand i had never heard of and right now they’re on serious sale.
you’re welcome.
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my deepest gratitude to all who are already sharing, liking, recommending, and restacking narrative threads: from breath to pen.
You, your post and and your new tradition are all blessings in my life.
Oooh! Nice clogs!