I love that (about Kissinger).

My mother was briefly engaged to Bruce McCandless, NASA astronaut who completed the first untethered space walk in 1984 and was the voice of Mission Control for the first lunar landing.

Again, may I stress that I am not a scientist? When it came to my senior HS physics exam I did the math and determined as long as I got a 28 I could graduate, so instead of studying I went to the premiere of Ghostbusters ~ I think I got a 57??? 🤦‍♀️

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Sarah. What an exquisite, poignant story you’ve sewn. The dreamy imagery of recipes as memories. And I’m fascinated by the Secret City. More, I hope, will be revealed.

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thank you Amie ~ there’s a lot more I hope to explore around the subject, alas there are few people alive who can be of direct 1st person assistance - and I’m not sure if it’s that my father doesn’t remember or just that so little was shared and he was so young, that the memories simply aren’t there.

The fact that there are no photos is telling…

Another fascinating book I read this summer along the same theme was The Wives of Los Alamos, by Tarashea Nesbit

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My mom briefly dated the son of the Dominican dictator, President Trujillo. She also played doubles tennis in a rec league with Elvis' cousin. He would pick them up in his Cadillac convertible and drive them home after practice. She and my dad also got to know any number of famous people when they lived in Tanzania-- Stokely Carmichael, Julius Nyerere, and Ron Karenga, who created Kwanzaa. Her true pride, however, was once making Henry Kissinger wait behind her in a reception line. She really hated that guy.

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